Haynesville burn ban in effect until further notice

Heat warnings issued for Claiborne Parish



Haynesville has issued a burn ban until further notice, according to Fire Chief Mark Furlow.

This past week, people have suffered through several days of 100 degree heat or more. Luckily, actual temperatures may be coming down a little, but it still feels like more than 100 degrees outside.

In light of the sweltering Louisiana heat, Furlow ask citizens not to burn as the temperatures continue to stay in the high 90s and above.

According to Furlow, Haynesville and Fire District 3 have responded to approximately 15 fires within the last two weeks, most of them outside burning that has spiraled out of control. In light of the heat and subsequent dryness, he has issued a burn ban for Haynesville and Fire District 3. This means no one is allowed to burn at all in that area until further notice.

“Right now, we need a lot of rain to lift the burn ban,” Furlow. “It’s just too dry right now for anyone to be burning. There should be absolutely no outside burning at all until we get a significant amount of rain.”

Also, just in the last couple of days, he said, lightning strikes have been the cause of a couple of fires. With the summer storms coming through the area, lightning has struck pine trees, causing those fires.

Furlow stressed the importance of not burning under the burn ban, because the parish has a burn ban ordinance that will be enforced. Tickets will be issued if caught.

If anyone has any questions regarding the burn ban, please call Haynesville City Hall at 318-624-0911 or call the Haynesville Fire Station at 318-624-1611.

Butcher has not placed a burn ban on Homer, but he is asking citizens to be very cautious.

“We have not issued a burn ban, but we would like you to use extreme caution when burning,” he said. “If you absolutely do not have to burn, please don’t.”

The Homer Fire Department has only seen one grass fire, which is unusual, Butcher said.

But with burn bans in effect for the surrounding parishes, a heat warning has been issued for Claiborne Parish by Butcher.

Butcher also explained some of the terms used by many weather men and media outlets. They include a heat wave, heat index, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

A heat wave is a period of extreme heat accompanied by high humidity, which is what citizens are currently experiencing. The heat index is the relative humidity added to the actual temperature of the air, basically how hot it feels. Heat exhaustion is a mild stroke brought on by strenuous activity in the heat. A heat stroke is the most dangerous as it can lead to brain damage or death if the body is not cooled down immediately. A heat stroke is a life-threatening condition occurring when the body’s temperature control system shuts down.

The first warning signs of heat related problems are heat cramps and muscle pain due to exertion in the heat.

He gave a few tips that, if followed, will help everyone survive the overbearing heat. They are as follows:

  • Stay indoors and in the air conditioning as much as possible. For those who must be outdoors, stay in the shade as much as possible.
  • For residents whose homes are not air conditioned, spend a couple of hours a day in an air conditioned building, such as a store, a friend’s house or a neighbor’s house.
  • Wear sunscreen while outdoors along with light colored clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
  • Drink water regularly, even if you’re not thirsty.
  • Limit alcohol consumption, because alcohol speeds up the dehydration process.
  • NEVER, EVER leave a child or pet in a car, even for a few minutes. The heat inside the car rises very quickly, becoming very dangerous for the child or pet, even deadly.
  • Avoid extreme exercise or activity during the hottest part of the day, usually between lunchtime and 8 p.m.
  • For those who don’t have air conditioning, take a cool shower or bath to help cool you down.

Butcher stressed the importance of keeping an eye on the elderly, because this time of year is so important. It is a known fact that many seniors on fixed incomes have difficult choices to make, but surviving the heat should not be one of them.

“If you have an elderly neighbor or friend, be just that, and help them and make sure they have fans or invite them over to your house and help keep them cool,” Butcher said. “If I can impress anything on anybody, this would be it. We have weather related problems all the time. People understand about lightning, wind and even ice, but heat is a killer. It can kill you.”


CPSO dispatcher highly praised for quick thinking


The Guardian-Journal

Due to the quick thinking of a Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Department dispatcher, a man is now behind bars on charges of domestic violence.

On Sunday, August 3, Dispatcher Kristi Young utilized every available resource to assist a victim of domestic violence. The 911 call came in from a cell phone, and the call does not automatically register the address that corresponds to that phone number.

The caller was unable to voice the details of the incident to the dispatch office, but had the presence of mind to call 911 and simply leave the phone on.

Young recorded the call and after the connection was broken, she contacted the cell phone company Alltel in an effort to locate the victim. Alltel informed her of the process required by Alltel emergency system through fax and email to verify the address.

            When Young was able to confirm the address, Deputies J.T. Williams and Paul Brazzel were dispatched immediately to the location and an arrest was made.

Due to the sensitivity of this particular case, officials at the sheriff’s department asked that the name of the suspect and victim not be released.

Sheriff Ken Bailey would like to take this opportunity to remind the citizens of Claiborne Parish that domestic violence is a crime.

If you or someone you know is the victim of domestic violence, please call 911 or the Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Office at 318-927-2011.


McCollister receives more charges



Additional charges have been levied on a man already arrested on a string of crimes.

Terrion McCollister, of Dubach, was arrested and charged with several charges by the Louisiana State Police after he stole a truck and rolled it in the Franklin Estates area.

Because he was still at Homer Memorial Hospital being treated for injuries related to the accident, Claiborne Parish charges had not been released by press time last Tuesday (July 29).

When he was finally booked into the Claiborne Parish Detention Center, he was charged with domestic abuse battery and unauthorized use of a motor vehicle. Bond on those charges was set at $2,000 for the domestic abuse battery charge, and $5,000 for the unauthorized use of a motor vehicle.

State police charged him with DWI first, bond set at $750; careless operation, bond set at $500; no license in immediate possession, bond set at $500; and no seat belt, bond set at $100.

Records also indicate McCollister is also wanted on two Lincoln Parish warrants which include charges of domestic abuse battery and simple battery.

Last Tuesday afternoon, on July 29, the sheriff’s department received a call in reference to a rollover accident. When fire and rescue personnel and deputies arrived on scene, it was discovered the man driving the vehicle – McCollister – was suspected in an earlier domestic disturbance call that day. Deputies indicated that he’d allegedly beat up his girlfriend.

After a brief chase, deputies arrested McCollister and transported him to HMH for treatment of his injuries. The state police were called in to work the accident scene and placed the aforementioned charges on him.

Later in the evening, Lisbon Fire Assistant Chief Scott Greeson said he received a call in reference to a possibly injured woman walking along Hwy. 156 and La. 2 on the outskirts of Lisbon.

When he caught up with her, paramedics were dispatched to the Lisbon Fire Station and transported her to HMH for treatment of her injuries from the physical altercation.

As of press time, McCollister remains incarcerated awaiting transfer to Lincoln Parish.


Handicap ramp closer to reality



A handicapped accessible ramp in front of the district attorney’s office on The Square is one step closer to reality.

In Monday’s town council meeting in Homer, discussion of the ramp was at the top of the agenda. Balar Engineers and Surveyors approved the plans in June for the ramp, stating the plans, or blueprints, meet the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards. According to the letter, there is one stipulation to meet, though.

The plans are approved “with the stipulation that bollards, or parking curbs, be set accordingly to keep parked vehicles from encroaching on the sidewalk area and handrails,” the letter said.

Another issue was cost. James Colvin Sr., the town’s bookkeeper, said the funds for the project would come from the street repair and industrial funds. And because the cost of the project is under $25,000, the town will not have to advertise for bids.

This falls under the public bid law, which is a state law.

“Any body of government must comply with this law,” said town attorney Jim Colvin. “That includes municipalities, parish government, state government, or any wings of government. It is a law that applies uniformly to all governmental entities.”

Any public works contract that costs above $25,000 must be bid out for public bid. Any project under that amount does not have to be. If the project is declared an emergency, then it does not have to be bid out. If the project costs under $25,000, it just has to have the approval of the town council.

Also, the town is looking into doing some of the work, which will save the town several hundred dollars.

Bob McDaniel, District 3 police juror, has kept up with the project since it was brought to the attention of the police jury several months ago. The police jury looked into what they could do to resolve the problem, but because the sidewalk is the town’s property, it was referred to them.

An employee of the district attorney’s office presented the idea at the December 2007 police jury meeting, because the lack of a ramp in front of their office is causing major mobility problems for the elderly and handicapped. The step up is steep and difficult for them to navigate, not to mention the ramp at the end of the sidewalk poses a problem too.

The issue was tabled until next month when costs and other information can be put before the council.

The council also adopted and renewed the 2008 Ad Valorem tax millage for the town. This does not mean there is a new tax, it is just a renewal of ad valorem taxes already collected.

The council also met in executive session to discuss pending and threatened litigation, Homer Police Officer Donald Malray and the airport engineer issue, according to the agenda. No action was taken on these items.

The next town council meeting will be held Monday, September 1, at 6 p.m. in council chambers, located at the Homer Police Station.


Speed limits to be posted



It’s been made official. Speed limit signs will be posted on Pearl and Monroe Streets in Homer.

District 2 Councilman Michael Wade brought it to the attention of the council in Monday night’s regular meeting that speeding is an ever present problem in that area. He said he’d received several complaints from constituents in his district on the matter.

Although there are no speed limit signs in that area, that doesn’t mean those two streets do not have a speed limit. According to Homer Police Chief Russell Mills, if no speed limit is posted in a residential area, it is automatically set at 25 miles per hour.

“If you live in a residential area, you’re supposed to know the speed limit,” he said. “If it’s not posted, it’s automatically 25 miles per hour.”

There is no official time frame as to when these signs will be posted, but it is expected to be in the very near future.

For any questions about the signs, citizens can call town hall at 927-3555 or for questions regarding traffic laws, call the Homer Police Department at 927-4000.


Cooperation among law agencies key to arrests


The Guardian-Journal

The cooperation of several law enforcement agencies in Claiborne Parish was the key in making an arrest on Monday, July 28.

Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Deputy Sedrick Millage stopped a vehicle in response to a request from the Homer Police Department.

Upon coming into contact with the driver, identified as Demarcus D. Johnson, 20, of Homer, Millage noted a strong odor of alcoholic impurities. Officer Mario Thomas and Sgt. Jimmy Hamilton of the Homer Police Department, as well as Deputies Roger Ellerbe and J.T. Williams arrived on scene to assist.

Pursuant to the stop, Thomas discovered a weapon and marijuana in the vehicle. Johnson was then placed under arrest and charged with DWI, possession of marijuana, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon and illegal use of weapons from a vehicle. A probation violation charge was also added to these.

Bond was set on the possession of a firearm by a convicted felon at $15,000; illegal use of weapons, $5,000; DWI, $750; possession of marijuana, $500; and no bond on the probation violation.

In an unrelated incident, two law enforcement agencies assisted each other in the arrest of an Arkansas man last Thursday.

Deputy Darren Keel assisted Haynesville Police Officer Kevin Henry with a traffic stop on Hwy. 79. Upon making contact with the driver, Tarlton Wingfield, 20 of Waldo, Ark.

Officers discovered that Wingfield appeared to be impaired. Louisiana State Police Officer Mark Keough arrived to assist. Keough placed Wingfield under arrest for DWI second. Keel then conducted a vehicle inspection pursuant to arrest and found two white tablets of suspected Lortabs.

Wingfield was then transported to the Claiborne Parish Detention Center for booking on charges of DWI, second offense (underage) with a bond of $1,000; possession of a controlled dangerous substance (CDS) Schedule III (Lortab) with a bond of $5,000; and open container with a bond of $500.


Chase leads to string of charges


The Guardian-Journal

A Homer man found out Monday that running from the police was the wrong thing to do.

Kevin Waller, 22, of Homer, was charged with aggravated flight from an officer, hit and run, resisting an officer, driving with no driver’s license and open container. Total bond was set at $2,500, $500 on each charge.

According to reports, Homer Police Officer Van McDaniel attempted to initiate a traffic stop on Monday, August 4, when he observed a vehicle with no driver’s license tags. The suspect refused to stop, thus beginning a high speed chase. After giving chase through Homer, Waller stopped the car and ran on foot.

At the time McDaniel attempted to give chase on foot, the suspect’s vehicle rolled backwards and hit the patrol unit with McDaniel still partially in inside.

Officers were not able to apprehend Waller at that time, but Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Deputies Paul Brazzel and Darren Keel later found the shoes the suspect was wearing in a field on Bama Street. According to reports, the suspect literally ran out of his shoes.

Waller was later located at his home, at which time, he tried to elude police again by attempting to jump out of the second story window of his home. When he saw officers outside, he turned and ran back through the apartment where he was apprehended by McDaniel.

Officer Roger Smith and Claiborne Parish Deputy Roger Ellerbe assisted McDaniel in Waller’s arrest.

In an unrelated case, Frederick Kelly, 22, of Homer, was arrested on charges of unauthorized entry of an inhabited dwelling and simple criminal damage to property. Total bond was set at $7,000.

On Monday August 4, Homer police received a call in reference to a break-in on Pearl Street. The homeowner reported that her home had been broken into, and identified Kelly as the person she saw in her home without authorization, according to police reports. After attempting to elude authorities, Kelly was apprehended and brought back to the Pearl Street residence by Officer Keith Ferguson. The homeowner then positively identified Kelly.

According to the reports, Kelly had partially kicked out the window of the patrol unit at the scene, and caused more damage to the window when he was to be transported to the Claiborne Parish Detention Center. Chemical agents were deployed at this time to subdue the suspect before being transported.

On Friday, August 1, two men were arrested over a dispute involving a firearm.

Courtney Wafer was arrested and charged with simple battery and illegal use of a weapon. Bond was set at $1,000.

Freddie Hardaway was arrested for discharge of a firearm within the city limits. Bond was set at $500.

According to police reports, Sgt. Jimmy Hamilton and responded to a report of a firearm being discharged on Pearl Street. Hamilton spoke to the homeowner who stated Hardaway discharged the firearm in the direction of her home. Hamilton observed a bullet hole in the residence.

According to reports, Hardaway was looking for Wafer in reference to a dispute regarding his son in which Wafer was accused of assaulting. Hardaway allegedly shot at Wafer, who fled on foot and was later arrested by Officer Mario Thomas on the simple battery charge and illegal use of a weapon. Reports say Hardaway had a stick in his hand.

Hamilton detained Hardaway and transported him to the Homer Police Department for questioning. He was then formally placed under arrest.

Both suspects were transported to the Claiborne Parish Detention Center for booking.


Relay for Life celebration planned for August 11


Citizens of Claiborne Parish will come together on Monday, August 11, 2008 to celebrate the most successful year of fundraising ever in the history of Relay For Life of Claiborne Parish.  Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society's team event to fight cancer and is currently held in more than 4,300 communities nationwide.

"We would love for anyone who was involved with Relay For Life of Claiborne Parish this year to come out and join us as we celebrate our success," said Nancy Mason, Chair for the event this year.  "For the first time ever, our Relay raised over $60,000 for the American Cancer Society, to help fund research, provide educational resources and patient support programs, and to help in advocacy efforts on the local, state, and national levels."

The celebration will be held on Monday, August 11, 2008 from 6:00PM until 8:00PM at the Willis-Knighton Community Room in Homer, Louisiana.  The evening will feature a special presentation by Christina Griffin, the Community Representative for the American Cancer Society in Claiborne Parish.  During the Relay For Life, which was held this past May, Christina offered the volunteers a challenge.  "I told them if they reached $60,000 that I would dye my hair purple-the signature color of Relay For Life.  Well, they couldn't resist, and here we are--I have an appointment on Monday afternoon to have my hair dyed!  My beautician is loving this!" Christina said. 

If you were involved in Relay For Life in any way, or if you are interested in learning more about getting involved with the event for next year, please join the committee and team captains on Monday, August 11, 2008 from 6:00PM until 8:00PM at the Willis-Knighton Community Room in Homer. For more information, contact the American Cancer Society at 1-800-ACS-2345 or visit www.cancer.org.

The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy and service.


Weekend fire sends one to hospital


The Guardian-Journal

A man received second and third degree burns after trying to get out of his home to safety Saturday, August 2.

According to District 6 Assistant Fire Chief Scott Greeson, the home was a total loss.

Firefighters received a call at approximately 11:50 p.m. in reference to a structure fire. When they arrived on scene, a mobile home, located on Country Loop in Summerfield, was fully engulfed.

A neighbor stated he saw flames and smoke coming from the home, and banged on the door to wake the occupants inside. One occupant escaped without injury, but the other received second and third degree burns because he was forced to run through the flames to escape.

Pafford Ambulance was called to the scene and administered emergency aid, and LifeLine of Texarkana, Ark., airlifted the injured man to LSU Health Sciences Center where he was treated for life-threatening burns.

“We had to administer oxygen because he was in respiratory distress due to smoke and heat inhalation,” Greeson said. “We went through two bottles of oxygen, and we thought we were going to have to transport him and meet the ambulance.”

Greeson stressed the importance of having a smoke detector in the home. As of press time, it was not known if the home had a smoke alarm inside.

Smoke detectors are relatively inexpensive and can be purchased at Wal-Mart or any hardware store. District 6 offers an installation program where volunteer firefighters will install a smoke detector inside a home free of charge. This program is only available to those who live in Fire District 6.

For more information on how to get a smoke detector, call Greeson at the Claiborne 911 office at 927-9400.


Hunter’s ed course set to begin August 20


The Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Office along with David Wade Correctional Center will be sponsoring the Hunter Education Courses for 2008.

The Hunter Education Course will be conducted at the Homer Fire Station beginning with classes being held on August 20 and 21 from 6 p.m. to 9p.m. and on August 23 from 8 a.m. until 12 p.m.

Anyone interested in this Hunter Education class must preregister with the Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Department at (318) 927-2011 or by contacting Colonel Brad Rogers at (318) 927-0455 or (318) 927-0462.

In 1985, hunter education became mandatory in Louisiana.

Anyone born on or after September 1, 1969, is required by law to complete the Louisiana Hunter Education course before purchasing a hunting license. The minimum age for certification is ten years old.

Hunter education programs have always taught young hunters the practice of firearm and hunting safety.  Today, hunter education programs are about more than safety.

They have been expanded to produce knowledge, responsible and involved hunters - hunters who understand the importance of complying with hunting laws and behaving ethically.  These programs give beginners a good foundation, and they provide a refresher for veteran hunters.

Ultimately, the mission of hunter education programs is to ensure the continuation of the hunting tradition.



Claiborne Parish tourism initiative is underway


JIMMY DEAN, Feature Writer

The Claiborne Chamber of Commerce has put together an assortment of materials to highlight where to go and what to do and see in Claiborne Parish. “Whether you’re a visitor or a local resident,Brochures and the Two Disc Driving CD available at several area locations - Click to Visit ClaiborneParishTourism.org Claiborne Parish has a driving tour CD set that you will find interesting,” says John Watson, Executive Director of the Chamber.

“The CD is one part of a major initiative aimed at helping others see and appreciate what is wonderful about Claiborne Parish,” Watson notes.

Asked what else is a part of the initiative, Watson explains that a colorful tourism brochure has been prepared. In addition,  there is a new website www.claiborneparishtourism.org.

Also, a cemetery brochure includes a map of the parish with the locations of 156 cemeteries in the parish or within a few miles of the parish line.

Finally, television ads have appeared describing Claiborne Parish as a desirable tourist destination.

Describing the tourism brochure, Watson says it highlights points of interest in Homer, Haynesville, Athens, Lisbon, Summerfield, and other areas of Claiborne Parish. It points out that 10 buildings in the parish are listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The brochure includes pictures of the Claiborne Parish Courthouse, Herbert S. Ford Museum, Lisbon’s Killgore House, the mural on the west wall of Haynesville’s Killgore Pharmacy,  Homer’s Old Town Cemetery, the Hill Farm, Summerfield’s Alberry Wasson House, and Lake Claiborne.

The cover of the “Claiborne Parish, Louisiana, Cemetery Guide” notes that it is intended to be “A guide to finding the resting places of your ancestors.” A brief description gives directions for each of the 156 cemeteries There is also a map in the brochure marking the approximate location of each.

The new tourism website, www.claiborneparishtourism.org, describes Lake Claiborne State Park and lists local lodging such as Panther Creek Bed and Breakfast at Summerfield and Lake Claiborne Vacation Cottage on Harmon Loop.

The website describes “eateries” such as the Rebel Stop and Moon’s toward Summerfield, Port-au-Prince on Lake Claiborne, Sunrise Bakery and Restaurant and Homer Seafood and Pizza as well as Yesterday’s Grill in Haynesville.

Highlights related to Homer, Haynesville, Lisbon, Athens, Summerfield, and the parish’s historic cemeteries are all mentioned on the website.

Some parish events are plugged including the Butterfly Festival, the Claiborne Jubilee, the 4th of July Fireworks and Boat Parade, Lake Claiborne Antique Auto and Bike Show, and the Christmas Festival.

The set consists of two CDs with 41 tracks of information highlighting areas of interest around the parish. For only $3 visitors or local residents can learn things about Claiborne Parish that’s not in the history books, stories passed down from grandparents to grandchildren that has become the stuff of local legend and lore.

Of course, the internet website is free as is the tourism brochure. With the cemetery guide available for $1 and the driving CD sets for $3, the whole tourism package is available for $4, a token cost to cover expenses of production.

Many local citizens donated many hours to the brochures, the cemetery guide, the driving CDs, and the website.

Brochures and CD sets are available at the following locations:

* The Grapevine

* The Raven Bookstore

* Port-au-Prince Restaurant

* Killgore Pharmacy

* The Rebel Stop

* Claiborne Parish Library

* Gibsland Bank and Trust, Athens

* The Chamber Office at Ford Museum

Brochures only are available at the following:

* Miss Lizzie’s

* Parden’s Paradise

* Courtyard Florist

* Lake Claiborne State Park

* Haynesville City Hall

* The Outpost

* The Guardian-Journal


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No Later Than 5 p.m. On Mondays

All display and legal advertisements for The Guardian-Journal must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday of the week in which it is to appear. Classified ads will be received until 12 p.m (noon) on Tuesday prior to the Thursday publication date. Thank you for your cooperation.



Archived Guardian Journal Headlines & News Briefs from November 1999

News Briefs

School board to meet August 7

The Claiborne Parish School Board will hold its regular monthly meeting at 7 p.m. at the School Board office, located across from the Homer Police Department. For more information, please call 927-3502.


Claiborne Clover Buds to meet August 9

The Claiborne Clover Buds will have their first meeting of the 2008-09 year at 2 p.m. For more information, or if anyone would like to sign up their child for Clover Buds, please contact Allison Dillon at 433-0863.


Homer Housing Authority to meet August 11

The Housing Authority of the Town of Homer will hold its regular board of commissioners meeting at 5 p.m. at the Housing Authority office, located at 329 Oil Mill Street. This is a public meeting and all are invited to attend.


Homer High Schedule pick up August 11

Schedules for Homer High School will be available for pick up when parents pay the $10 school fee. The office will be open from 8 a.m. until 3 p.m. For more information, contact Homer High School at 927-2985.


Middlefork Water System to meet August 11

The Middlefork Water System will hold its regular monthly meeting at 6 p.m. at the Village of Lisbon Civic Center.


Homer High Band to hold camp August 12-15

The Homer High School Pelican Band will hold a summer camp August 12, 13, 14 and 15, from 9 a.m. until noon. For more information, call Homer High School at 927-2985.


Sparta Commission to meet August 14

The Sparta Groundwater Conservation District Commission will hold its regular meeting at 3 p.m. in Room 108, at the Bienville Parish Courthouse Building, located at 100 Courthouse Drive in Arcadia. Several items are on the agenda, so please attend. Before the meeting, at 2 p.m. there will be an open, informal assembly for fellowship and exchange of ideas.


Butler-Abshire Clinic to close August 19-21

The Butler-Abshire Clinic in Haynesville will close Tuesday, August 19, through Thursday, August 21 for computer training. The clinic will reopen with regular business hours on Friday, August 22. Office hours are from 8:30 a.m. until 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. For more information, or if anyone has any questions, please call 318-624-0554.


Haynesville Town Council to meet August 21

The Haynesville Town Council will hold its regular meeting at 6 p.m. in Council Chambers, located at City Hall. For more information, please call 624-0911.


Coronation Ball in Minden on August 23

The coronation ball for the Krewe des Ambassadeurs will be held at the Woods Convention Center in Minden. For more information, call Mahala Hutto at 318-377-1083, or visit their website at www.krewedesambassadeurs.org.


Softball Tourney August 30

The Third Annual Labor Day Weekend Softball Tournament will be held in Magnolia, Ark. Divisions include Mens and Coed. Entry fee is $125. ASA rules apply and USSSA bats legal. Any .44 cor balls. Cutoff is Wednesday, August 27. For more information, contact John-Michael at 870-904-5412.


Childcare Reimbursements

Anyone providing childcare in their home, including relatives and grandparents who would like to be reimbursed for a portion of their food expense is asked to call the Webster Parish Community Services at 377-7022, ext. 116 or 117. The WPCS Food Program is now serving Webster, Claiborne, Bossier and Caddo Parishes.


North Louisiana - A Filmmaker's Dream

This Film by Michael Haynes Productions was created in conjunction with Louisiana Films North, to highlight The "Anywhere in America" Film Location - Bienville, Claiborne and Webster Parishes.
Click Below to view the Film:
 Part One - 87 MB
 Part Two - 57 MB
Visit www.LaFilmsNorth.com for more information on Our Filmmaker Friendly Communities, Scenic and Architectural Diversity and the many Powerful Tax Incentives available to filmmakers.
Contact The Claiborne Chamber of Commerce for a copy of the DVD - "North Louisiana - A Filmmaker's Dream".

J.T. Taylor RealtyJ.T. Taylor Realty/Dimex Sales - Now Online

J.T. Taylor Realty has provided Real Estate Sales and Buyer Representation in Homer, Haynesville and Claiborne Parish for Commercial, Residential and Timberland Properties since 1984.

For over 10 years, Dimex Sales has offered a full line of Portable Buildings for Home, Home/Office, Construction Sites, and Storage needs.


Team Ag Real Estate - New Claiborne One Sponsor

TeamAgRealEstate.comTeam Ag Real Estate is proud to be a new sponsor of the information source for All of Claiborne Parish - Claiborne One. Based in El Dorado, Arkansas with an associate in North West Arkansas (Lincoln - Home of the Arkansas Apple Festival), Team Ag Real Estate specializes in agricultural farm (including Poultry/chicken farm) sales and appraisals. Team Ag is licensed in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma & Missouri for farm buying, selling and appraisals. Team Ag supports their clients with years of hands on experience in the poultry business, formal education degrees in Business-Agriculture, SBA agricultural lending, and an impressive network of agriculture industry contacts.

Claiborne One Site Now Features Area Image Archive

Archives Now Online include:

Money Available for New or Expanding Businesses in Homer

The Claiborne Chamber of Commerce now has monies to lend through the Revolving Loan Program. Anyone who is interested in starting a business or enlarging an existing business within Claiborne Parish may be eligible. These funds were received from the USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grant Program to assist small businesses and provide for jobs in Claiborne Parish. Loan preferences will be made on the basis of job creation. Further information may be obtained by contacting John Watson, Executive Director of the Claiborne Chamber of Commerce at (318) 927-3271. The Claiborne Chamber of Commerce is an equal opportunity provider. To file a complaint of discrimination write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Ave. S.W. Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).

Smoke Detectors For The Elderly Offered through TRIAD

TRIAD of Claiborne wants all seniors age 65 and above, to have a smoke detector. You may also qualify if you're disabled. Having a smoke detector can mean the difference of life or death. Smoke detectors are available without charge. If you don't have a smoke detector, call 927-2011.


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