Wal-Mart Closing

KTBS Reporter Barbara Stewart was at the Homer Wal-Mart interviewing local citizens on the closure of Wal-Mart. Above she speaks to former Town Councilman Keith Beard and former Town Clerk Lana Pugh. Beard (left) said, “Because Wal-Mart came in, some stores closed in the past, and now there are some things you can’t purchase in town anymore, because those businesses are no longer here. Pugh (center) said, “I am devastated. We depend on Wal-Mart. I for one spend between $400-500 here every month.”


Homer Wal-Mart To Close July 1

BY SUSAN T. HERRING, Editor, The Guardian-Journal

Several Wal-Mart officials came to Claiborne Parish last Thursday, May 29, to meet with associates at the Homer store. The reason was to announce plans to close the 43,770 sq. ft. discount store operation on July 1. Maggie Sans, Director of Public Affairs for Wal-Mart Store, Inc. said, “The decision to close our Homer store was not an easy one. We have been a part of the Homer community since 1979, and we remain committed to the community, but we recognized that it no longer made business sense to keep the store open.”

Both the press release and  the notice posted on the door of the store indicated the lease on the Homer store would expire in August 2006. In order to continue operating in Homer, two options were considered—to make a significant investment to either extend the lease or build a new store. According to Howard Morris, one  stockholder in Homer Investment, LLC, the corporation who owns the building and lot, “If Wal-Mart officials were indicating Homer Investment LLC was unwilling to negotiate a new lease, that is a flat out lie.” Morris said Wal-Mart has a 50 year contract that locked in the lease amount at the same rate paid in 1981. He asked, “What item could you buy at Wal-Mart today for the same price you paid in 1981?”

For almost 30 years, many believe Wal-Mart has been a good neighbor to the citizens of Claiborne Parish. Others, like Homer Councilman Toney Johnson said, “This was a prediction I made years ago—that Wal-Mart would stay for awhile, they would eventually leave, once all the existing businesses closed.” Johnson owned one of those businesses that closed after Wal-Mart opened in the 1970s. His building supply store was averaging about $45,000 every three months in sales. Within a year, those quarterly sales dropped to about $12,000, and he was eventually forced to close his business.

J. T. Taylor, President of the Claiborne Chamber of Commerce said, met with the five Wal-Mart officials last Thursday. He said, “I feel strongly if Wal-Mart had given us a little more notice, possibly in conjunction with the Chamber, the community and state officials, we could have tried to help them work out some of their problems.”  Taylor said he was continuing to talk to Wal-Mart, the property owner, and state officials, to do whatever they could, and, if necessary, work with state officials to find someone to fill the space that could bring tax dollars and the best possible benefit to the town and community.

Wal-Mart District Manager Christy Ratliff lives in Claiborne Parish, on Lake Claiborne. She was totally unaware of plans to close the Homer store until she received a call on her cellphone Wednesday—the day before the announcement was made. She spent the entire day Thursday looking for openings for the 69 associates at the Homer store who would no longer have a job on July 1. She found 21 positions available at Wal-Mart in Minden, 21 in Ruston, 2 in Springhill, and 39 in Bossier.

Associates working at the Homer store were given the option to transfer or accept a severance package, which included all their vacation pay for this year and next, plus a week’s pay for every year they had been with the store. For example, a person who had worked with the company for 20 years would get 4 weeks vacation for this year, 4 weeks for next year and 20 weeks’ pay. In addition, they could sign up for unemployment.

Ratliff said Wal-Mart would also honor all commitments to charitable donations to the community through next year.

The Town of Homer and the Claiborne Parish School Board won’t fare so well. The Town of Homer stands to lose 22% of its annual sales tax collections, or almost $200,000 of the total sales tax collected by the Town over the past 7 years (1999-2006), total collections which have ranged between $912,971 and $933,374.

The School Board stands to lose 14% of its total sales tax collections. Although the dollar figures were not disclosed, they are estimated between $200,000 and $300,000, and will directly affect the 13th check to all School Board employees.

According to Tax Assessor Clyde Hightower, the Claiborne Parish Police Jury stands to lose $39,275.26 and the Town of Homer  $3,475.08 in annual taxes on inventory, furnishings, fixtures, machinery, etc.  The property tax on the building and lot last year were $15,877.42 to the parish and $1,404.83 to the town.

Claiborne Parish School Superintendent James Scriber said he did not understand why they were closing the store.  He said, “Financially, this is going to hurt us seriously.” And, he believes it will have a ripple effect. He expects other area businesses will begin to suffer when people go out of town to shop, and while there, eat at a restaurant and fill up their gas tank. Scriber predicted, “In the long run, I believe the School Board will lose more than 14% in sales tax. This will cause further economic distress in the future.”

Bob Robinson, President of the Homer Industrial Foundation and former Homer Councilman, would like to meet with company officials, perhaps a community meeting at Homer City Hall. He would like to try to find a solution to the problem, but he said, “We must first know what the problem is before we can offer a solution.” He wants to see if the community can help in someway to resolve any need the store may have and ask them, “Why close July 1?” He feels the company could at least give the community more time to adjust.

Robinson also wants to know what Wal-Mart’s long range plan is. “Is it to build a new Wal-Mart, do they want a new building, or just relocate to another community and ignore this area.....an area that has supported Wal-Mart for almost 30 years?” What other community has Wal-Mart given only 30 days before closing a store?

Homer Councilman Billy Kirk Jenkins suggests town residents attend the council meeting Monday, June 5. He hopes the Council will set up a community-wide town meeting with Wal-Mart officials the following Monday, June 12, either in Homer City Hall or possibly in the Wal-Mart parking lot.


Local Citizens Respond To Wal-Mart Closure...


Bob Robinson Bob Robinson, President of The Homer Industrial Foundation:
”I would like to meet with company officials. Perhaps we can offer a solution to the problem, but we must first know what the problem is.”
JT Taylor J.T. Taylor, President Claiborne Chamber of Commerce:
”I feel strongly that if Wal-Mart had given us a little more notice, possibly....we could have tried to help them work out some of their problems.”
James Scriber James Scriber, Claiborne Parish School Superintendent:
“Financially, this is going to hurt us seriously. I am afraid of the ripple effect. In the long run, I believe it will be more than the 14% in sales tax.”
Naomi Starr Naomi Starr:
”All this has to do with is money. Wal-Mart should be about the people. It is going to hurt the elderly the most. That is wrong.”
Martha Ruple Martha Ruple:
”If they are going to close this Wal-Mart, are they going to provide ‘free’ transporation for the elderly to a Wal-Mart in another town?”
Toney Johnson Toney Johnson, Homer Town Council:
”This is a big blow to our town, but I knew it was coming. I predicted this 20 years ago, that Wal-Mart would eventually leave.”


Homer Wal-Mart’s Legacy

, Editor, The Guardian-Journal

Could it be that Wal-Mart has nothing to do anymore with the ideals and principles of founder Sam Walton? Was his death in 1992 a turning point? Walton started the chain of super stores over 60 years ago when he opened his first retail store in Arkansas. His goal was to provide items to small rural communities at the same low price they were selling for in larger metropolitan areas. He didn’t think small town residents should have to drive 40 miles to another city for those same low prices.

In November 2004, the PBS program Frontline ran a story entitled “Is Wal-Mart Good For America?” Today, residents in Homer and Claiborne Parish might say “no” if that question were asked of them.

For almost 30 years, Wal-Mart has provided “low prices” to citizens in Claiborne Parish. In turn, the citizens of Claiborne Parish have spent millions every year at Wal-Mart, both in Homer and at Wal-Mart Super Centers in neighboring towns. Last Thursday, that once positive relationship turned negative. Local residents are still reeling from the announcement that Wal-Mart plans to close the Homer store permanently on July 1.

Local residents, town and parish officials are looking for answers. They want to know what happened. Even Wal-Mart District Manager, Christy Ratliff, who resides in Claiborne Parish, was unaware of Wal-Mart’s plan to close the store. She received a call on Wednesday, May 24, just one day before the announcement was made.

It seems rather ironic that Leo Scott, Wal-Mart CEO, announced at the Newspaper Association of America’s annual convention less than two months ago, the creation of the “Wal-Mart Jobs and Opportunity Zones” initiative. He touted the building of more than 50 stores in neighborhoods with high crime or unemployment rates, on sites that are environmentally contaminated, or in vacant buildings or malls in need of revitalization. Is not Homer and Claiborne Parish in need of revitalization? The entire parish qualified as a Renewal Community zone in 2001 because it was shown to be a poverty-stricken and/or distressed community.

Activists have argued that competition from Wal-Mart destroys small businesses, particularly “mom and pop” stores that make communities unique. While some communities, such as Inglewood, California voted to keep Wal-Mart out of their town in 2004—others, like Mansfield, Louisiana recently fought to keep their store open after it was closed.

According to PBS’ “Store Wars: When Wal-Mart Comes To Town” at www.pbs.org/itvs/storewars, critics believe Wal-Mart opens stores to saturate the marketplace and clear out the competition, then close, leaving their stores sitting empty. Store Wars, billed as a “truly American story about the right of a community to determine its own future”, notes that Wal-Mart is criticized for deserting stores that under-perform. In May 2000, Wal-Mart had left behind more than 25 million square feet of unoccupied space across the country, refusing to sell the empty buildings to their competitors. Homer is apparently another notch in their mega belt.

It appears the dream of Sam Walton died with him in 1992. The goal of the “new” Wal-Mart seems to have completely changed from the days when “Made in America” was the slogan. Today, “everyday low prices” means buy from China. And, what of the three guiding principles founded by Walton—respect the individual, service to our customers, and strive for excellence? His belief was “that every individual deserved to be treated with respect and dignity.”

Lee Scott says, “We at Wal-Mart are optimistic – or smiling, if you will – about our ability to continue to grow and touch the lives of millions more working families around the world.” To that, residents in Claiborne Parish say, “Thanks, Lee.”

National Public Radio reported in April, 2006, that Wal-Mart planned to offer seminars to mom-and-pop stores about how to survive when Wal-Mart comes to their neighborhood. Perhaps Wal-Mart needs to offer a seminar to the folks in Claiborne Parish on “how to survive when they leave.”

To submit a comment to Wal-Mart, go to www.WalMartStores.com, call 1-800-WAL-MART (1-800-925-6278), or mail your comment to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., Bentonville, Arkansas 72716-8611.



HOMER POLICE CHIEF RUSSELL MILLS escorts Kent Kirk from Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Criminal Investigative Division office to transport him to the Claiborne Parish Detention Center where he was booked on three counts distribution of crack cocaine.


Local Drug Dealer Arrested

Sheriff Ken Bailey released a statement regarding the arrest of Kent Willis Kirk, 31, of Homer on Friday, May 26 by the Claiborne Narcotic Enforcement Team (CNET), Claiborne Sheriff’s Office, Homer Police Department, and the Louisiana State Police. This was the culmination of a four month investigation.

Kirk was charged with three counts distribution of Schedule II controlled dangerous substance (CDS), crack cocaine. The investigation centered on Kirk’s alleged drug distribution activities in the area of North 4th and East 4th Street  in Homer. He was also charged with two counts of failure to pay child support. 

Narcotic agents obtained arrest warrants on Kirk on Friday through the Second Judicial District, and with the assistance of Homer Police Chief Russell Mills, were able to locate and arrest the subject while he was working on a construction site in Homer.

If convicted, distribution of Schedule II CDS carries a term of imprisonment at hard labor for not less than two years, nor more than 30 years, with the first 2 years of said sentence being without benefit of parole, probation, or suspension of sentence. In addition, the person convicted could also be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $50,000.

Sheriff Bailey and Chief Mills agree this is an example of communication and cooperation that has resulted in the removal of a serious problem from our local community. CNET Agent James Spillers stated that in recent months, calls from citizens in reference to illegal drug trafficking seem to have increased. Additionally, these calls have been in more detail. He said both Homer and Haynesville Police Departments have been instrumental in providing assistance through information they are able to provide about activities in their towns. Sometimes law enforcement can gather evidence and respond quickly to public complaints and sometimes it can take months or years to make the case against illegal drug traffickers.

Spillers reminded the citizens of Claiborne Parish, “The fight against illegal drugs is a battle that everyone, not just law enforcement, shares. The anonymous calls and citizen complaints are taken seriously and greatly appreciated.”

To provide information on illegal drug activities or any other crime, call the Claiborne Sheriff’s Office Criminal Investigation Division (CID) at 927-9800, Claiborne Parish Sheriff’s Office at 927-2011, Chief Russell Mills, Homer Police Department, at 927-4000, or Chief Anthony Smith, Haynesville Police Department, at 624-1311.


HMH Board Abandons New Hospital

BY SUSAN T. HERRING, Editor, The Guardian-Journal

                The Board of Directors of Homer Memorial Hospital voted unanimously at their last meeting to abandon plans to build a new hospital according to Hospital Administrator Doug Efferson.  The  study requested by the Homer Town Council last December was recently completed by Parsons Healthcare Services and META Associates, one of the nation’s oldest and largest dedicated healthcare program management companies. The firm was hired by the Board to determine the feasibility of building a new hospital. Efferson said, “A replacement facility is what’s best for healthcare in Claiborne Parish. That is definitely what is being told in this story. We just can’t afford it.”

The total estimated cost to build a new hospital was $27,470,241 and would take 21 months to complete. To renovate the existing hospital to the standard of a replacement facility would be almost as much—$27,075,778.

It was determined a new hospital would require almost 80,000 sq. ft. This is the minimum area required to build a new hospital to meet state and national guidelines, and guidelines by the AIA (American Institute for Architects.   The national average for  a 50-bed hospital is about 100,000 sq. ft. Presently the existing hospital has 52,000 sq. ft. and the Senior Care Center in Haynesville has 8,000 sq. Ft.. The increase in space would provide out patient services and larger patient rooms.  

Efferson said the Board realized $15 million was the most they could get from the sales tax. Based on the debt capacity of the hospital, they could add another $3-4 million, but it wasn’t enough.

Hospital construction costs in 2004 was $135 per sq. ft. In 2005, it was $150 sq. ft. The Board was expecting the price to range between $165-170 per sq. ft., however the cost last December after Hurricane Katrina jumped to $185. Today, it is $235 per sq. ft.

Efferson said if they had built a new hospital 5-6 years ago, they would have gotten the $135 price, but politics killed it. Now economics are killing it.

Data analysis showed the population is expected to decrease by 3 percent in the primary service area over the next five years. The hospital currently has 50 licensed beds of which 45 are used for medical/surgery and five for ICU. The study determined there would be no need for additional beds through 2012.

Two problems to be addressed  are space for visiting doctors and parking. The emergency room and intensive care unit are extremely small.  Efferson said the Board still has about $2 million available to do begin work on the first phase of the renovation. He noted the Board spent $500,000 last year on improvements and renovations to the air conditioning  system and for the purchase of new beds.

Efferson will attend the meeting of the Homer Town Council on Monday, June 5 to give a report on the findings of the study


Contributions Needed For

Fourth of July Fireworks

The 2006 Claiborne Parish Boat Show and Fourth of July Fireworks will be held Tuesday evening, July 4. The Boat Show will commence from Pleasure Point Marina beginning at 7:30 PM, followed by the Fireworks display from the Lake Claiborne dam at 9 PM. Last year was great, but this year should be as good or better. We do need your contributions, large or small. Please make your checks payable to: Claiborne Fireworks, Inc., 180 Post Oak Road, Homer, LA 71040. If you have questions about Fireworks, call Fred Lewis at 927-9180. Boat Show questions should be directed to Dick Dorrell at Homer Loans at 927-0039.


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No Later Than 5 p.m. On Mondays

All display and legal advertisements for The Guardian-Journal must be received no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Monday of the week in which it is to appear. Classified ads will be received until 12 p.m (noon) on Tuesday prior to the Thursday publication date. Thank you for your cooperation.



Archived Guardian Journal Headlines & News Briefs from November 1999

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News Briefs

Contributions Sought For 4th Of July Fireworks Display

Contributions are being sought for the 2006 Claiborne Parish Boat Show and Fourth of July Fireworks to be held Tuesday, July 4 on Lake Claiborne. Mail your tax deductible donation to Fireworks for Lake Claiborne, Inc., 180 Post Oak Road, Homer, LA. For information, call 927-9180 or 927-0039.


2006 Summer Reading Program To Kick Off Friday At Library

The 2006 Summer Reading Program, “Paws to Read!”, will kick off on Friday, June 2, from 9:30 AM-12:00 PM at the Joe Webb Memorial Library in Haynesville and  from 1:30-4:00 PM at the Claiborne Parish Library in Homer. The series of programs runs through July 15 for children pre-school through 4th grade. For more information, call 927-3845 in Homer or 624-0364 in Haynesville. Kids are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities, contests, storytimes, crafts, games and special guest entertainers


Homer Town Council To Meet Monday, June 5, 6 PM

The Homer Town Council will meet Monday, June 5 at 6 PM in the Council Chambers. Discussion will include the announcement by Wal-Mart to close their store July 1.


Claiborne Parish Police Jury To Meet Wednesday, June 7, 9 AM

The Claiborne Parish Police Jury will meet on Wednesday, June 7 beginning with the work session at 9 AM.


Claiborne Driver’s Education Course Set For June 5-23

Claiborne Parish Driver’s Education course is scheduled for June 5-23 at Homer High School. Cost is $200 paid by cashier’s check or money order to Claiborne Parish School Board before June 5. For information, contact Janice Williams or Brenda Kemmerly at 927-3502.


Middlefork Water System To Hold Meeting, June 12 At 6 PM

The regular meeting for Middlefork Water System will be at 6:00 p.m. at the Village of Lisbon Civic Center June 12, 2006


Chris Sherrill Of Athens To Perform At Homer Hayride

Chris Sherrill of Athens will perform in concert on Friday, June 2 at 7 PM at the Homer Hayride located on the Square in Homer. Also appearing will be Charles Rushing. No admission will be charged.


Claiborne Parish School Board To Meet Thursday, June 8, 7 PM

The Claiborne Parish School Board will meet Thursday, June 8 at 7 PM, immediately following the work session at 6 PM.


Homer-Golden Raiders Sponsor Trip To American Rose Garden

The Homer-Golden Raiders Club members will sponsor a trip to the American Rose Garden and the R. W. Norton Art Gallery in Shreveport on June 19. The bus will leave the Wal-Mart parking lot at 8 AM. Lunch will be at Barnhill Restaurant on Mansfield Hwy. At least 40 persons 62 years or older are needed to make the trip. Anyone interested should contact Joe Etta Williams at 927-9444 or 927-3579 or Mildred Heard at 927-6360. Cost of the trip is $23 per person. Deadline to sign up June 5.


Claiborne Adult Education Center Closes For Summer

The Claiborne Parish Adult Education Center closed for summer break May 24 and will enroll students for the 2006-2007 school year on Monday, July 3. Students who wish to register should call the center at 927-5302. Testing for new students will begin at 8 AM on Wednesday, July 5. The center, located on the Claiborne Vocational Technical College campus in Homer, is open Monday-Friday from 8 AM - 3 PM. Students who are 17 years of age or older can prepare for the GED or receive remediation in reading, math, or writing.


BBQ Cookouts At Several Area Churches To Be Sponsored By Burns 

Willie Burns Jr. will sponsor a BBQ cookout at  Sweet Home Baptist Church in Shongaloo the second week in June and at Junction City Baptist Church in October. There will be a cookout at Sweet Home Baptist Church in Shongaloo on Satruday, June 3 at noon and at the Shiloh Baptist Church on Summerfield Highway at noon on Saturday, June 10. Other community cookouts are being planned between through August.  Burns will also be providing a community cookout in Bienville, Jackson, and Claiborne Parish sometime in August.


Church T-Ball League Being Formed For Ages 3-8 In Homer

A Church T-Ball League for ages 3-6 is being formed in Homer. Games will start May 22 at Mayfield Park. All area churches are encouraged to participate. For more info, contact Paul McGee at 927-4348 or 377-0705. Deadline is May 12.


Burns To Provide Trip Transportation To Six Flags In July

Willie Burns Jr. will be providing transportation by Trailways Bus for a one-day trip to Six Flags Over Texas on a Saturday in July, date to be announced later. Seating is limited to the first 55 persons to sign up. To sign up, call 560-8563.


Piney Needles Quilt Guild To Host Quilt Show In Springhill June 3

Piney Needles Quilt Guild to host quilt show in Springhill on Saturday, June 3 from 9 AM-4 PM at the South Main Mall between Piggly Wiggly and Stage. Admission is free. Tickets will be sold for a raffle quilt for $1 each or 6 for $5. The Guild and other booths will have quilt-related items for sale. For info on a booth, call Virginia Hughes at 318-539-2042.


Buy A Book - Build A Child

Click for FlyerCompletion of the Homer Elementary School Library is expected late August 2004. Librarian Maggie Harris is requesting businesses and individuals to donate $25 per book, to help build a child's future through reading. A recognition label will be placed on the inside front cover of each book purchased through your donations. Donating a book in their name is a great way to honor a friend or family member. Donations may be mailed to Homer Elementary School Library, 624 Bonner St, Homer, LA 71040. For more information, contact Librarian Maggie Harris at 318-927-2393. Please print the program flyer and post at your place of business.

Toe Tapping Good Time at Claiborne Country in Homer

Claiborne Country provides a toe-tapping good time Saturday Nights throughout the year. Hours are 7:00pm - 10:30pm. Features the Claiborne Country house band with Special Guest Singers. Free Dance Lessons are also offered, call 870-546-9534 for more information. No Alcohol and No Smoking.

Claiborne One Site Now Features Area Image Archive

Archives Now Online include:

Money Available for New or Expanding Businesses in Homer

The Claiborne Chamber of Commerce now has monies to lend through the Revolving Loan Program. Anyone who is interested in starting a business or enlarging an existing business within an eight mile radius of Homer may be eligible. These funds were received from the USDA Rural Business Enterprise Grant Program to assist small businesses and provide for jobs in Claiborne Parish. Loan preferences will be made on the basis of job creation. Further information may be obtained by contacting John Watson, Executive Director of the Claiborne Chamber of Commerce at (318) 927-3271. The Claiborne Chamber of Commerce is an equal opportunity provider.

PaPa Simpson’s Farm - "Where Learning Comes to Life!"

Papa Simpson's FarmLocated inside Claiborne Parish, just north of Arcadia, PaPa Simpson’s Farm specializes in educational field trips for school age children. Bring a picnic lunch and spend a country day down on the farm. The farm offers Family and School Farm Tours, Birthday Parties and Company Picnics. Features include one of the largest working dairy farms in Louisiana, seasonal events such as Pick-A-Pumpkin Patch in October, Catfish Fish-Out Ponds, and MiMi's Country Cupboard offering concessions, fresh eggs, specialty cheese, jams and jellies. For more information visit them online at www.PaPaSimpsonsFarm.com or call (318) 263-2383.

Smoke Detectors For The Elderly Offered through TRIAD

TRIAD of Claiborne wants all seniors age 65 and above, to have a smoke detector. You may also qualify if you're disabled. Having a smoke detector can mean the difference of life or death. Smoke detectors are available without charge. If you don't have a smoke detector, call 927-2011.

The Claiborne One Website Is Seeking Area Support

The Claiborne One website at www.claiborneone.org, with hundreds of pages online, including the Claiborne Parish Police Jury, The Towns of Haynesville & Homer and are seeking sponsors to support continued growth. Sponsors are provided custom banners linking to the sponsor's website. Guardian-Journal Headlines and New Briefs, updated weekly, are available at Claiborne One, archived since November, 1999. A community effort is needed in collecting information for Claiborne One. For contribution ideas, see the open letter from Claiborne One's local web site designer. To contribute news and photos to Claiborne One contact Key-Comp Web Design, Joel Ponder at 927-9229 or use the online contact form. For more information on becoming a sponsor Visit the Claiborne One Sponsorship Page or contact the Allen Group, Al Lynn at 927-9674.


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